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Welcome to Online Text Tools! We’re here to provide you with the best and most efficient text manipulation tools available. Our goal is to help streamline your workflow, so you can spend more time focusing on the important things.

Our free hashtags generator online makes it easy to generate unique, relevant hashtags for any post or project. Simply type in a few keywords and our generator will automatically create a list of popular related hashtags, giving you the freedom to choose which ones work best for you.

The double quotes and comma generator for each word takes any sentence or phrase and converts every word in it into a separate string of text surrounded by double quotation marks and separated by commas. Allowing for quick generation of data sets used in web development projects.

The after words comma generator is perfect for taking long strings of sentences or paragraphs, adding commas after each individual word and quickly creating lists of separate words within seconds.

Ready to write? With our random English word generator you don’t need to think up specific words or phrases – just click ‘generate’ and get thousands of random English words at your fingertips ready to be used however you see fit. Or if you want precise control over which words are inserted into your text, use our find & replace tool – perfect for ‘brushstrokes’ of color that compliment any style of writing.

Finally, if you’re working on bigger projects then why not try out our paragraph sentences splitter? This takes any piece of plain text and splits it into single sentences that can then be reordered as desired before being pasted back into the main body text – saving time on tedious proofreading tasks.

We hope that our Online Text Tools make life easier when writing or coding how ever way suits your project best!